Columbia, MD Divorce Lawyers

When agreeing to decide, many couples agree not to involve lawyers in an attempt to keep proceedings civil. In reality, attorneys can work to ensure respect and decorum during divorce proceedings.
If you and your spouse are estranged or want to prioritize maintaining a healthy relationship, you should both retain counsel. Divorce is a complicated legal process that requires the division of finances, property, assets, and custody. Attorneys can often get a better result for spouses seeking a divorce, even in cases where prenuptial agreements were already present in Columbia.
Call Rice, Murtha & Psoras at (410) 694-7291 to have our Columbia, MD divorce lawyers analyze your case for free.
Reasons to Hire a Divorce Lawyer in Columbia, MD
Divorce is difficult enough without relationships worsening during proceedings. While many are hopeful that divorce proceedings will go smoothly and without any tension, that is rarely the case. Regardless, it is important for all parties to retain counsel so that their interests are properly represented. In all likelihood, your spouse will have an attorney of their own, even if you do not.
You and Your Spouse Are Estranged
Some married couples seeking divorce have better relationships with one another than others. If you and your spouse are estranged, meaning that there was an event or altercation that led to one of you filing for divorce, it is important that you seek assistance from our divorce lawyers. When tension or resentment is present, proceedings might be undermined or interrupted, issues that an attorney could anticipate and avoid. Especially if you and your spouse want to remain amicable after your divorce is finalized, involving attorneys is wise.
You and Your Spouse Share Children
When two people share minor children and plan to divorce, custody becomes an issue. While many married couples agree to share custody before they file for divorce, you should not anticipate that your ex-spouse will keep their word during proceedings. It is important that custody is discussed and an arrangement is agreed upon so that you do not have to go through a challenging custody battle following your divorce in Columbia.
Having children means there are people who depend on you and require your attention more than paperwork does. Retaining counsel can allow you to focus on your family as it changes and help your children with the transition so that you do not have to be bogged down with the overwhelming amount of paperwork and filings divorce requires.
You and Your Spouse Own Property
If you own real estate with your spouse, like your family home, and get divorced, it is important that you have an attorney that will advocate for you so that you get your fair share. Some couples agree to sell property, while others agree to divvy up their other assets accordingly so that the result is an even split between both parties. Even if you own property independently of your spouse, it could become part of the conversation during divorce proceedings in Columbia.
You and Your Spouse Share Bank Accounts
Many couples have joint bank accounts. Typically, those who own bank accounts individually will not have to share the funds when they divorce. However, if you share an account with your spouse and the two of you divorce, the funds will likely be split evenly, even if you contributed more money to the account. Our attorneys can argue for a more appropriate allocation of shared funds based on each party’s input. Furthermore, if your spouse depleted a shared bank account prior to divorce, that might be a sign of bad faith, meaning you can likely get your fair share back in court.
You and Your Spouse Want to Communicate Better
When two people who were once married get divorced, complicated emotions can interfere with what might have otherwise been productive conversations about important issues, such as the separation of assets or custody of children, for example. Decisions can be made with greater objectivity when communications go through your respective counsel instead of directly to and from your spouse. While this can appear less personal, it is often the best course of action in order to prevent angry or emotional conversations that might harm your specific goals when deciding crucial aspects of your divorce agreement.
You and Your Spouse Have a Prenuptial Agreement
Often, it is wrongly assumed that having a prenuptial agreement means that divorce proceedings are essentially cut and dry and that retaining counsel is unnecessary. Prenuptial agreements do not always account for every situation that can unfold during married life or divorce proceedings in Columbia. For example, suppose your prenuptial agreement dictated that neither you nor your spouse would pay alimony in the event of a divorce. But, say your financial situation has since changed, and you have children. If you earn less than your spouse and will be the primary caretaker of your children, it might be prudent that your spouse pays alimony. Not challenging outdated aspects of a prenuptial agreement could harm you in the long run. Additionally, if a prenuptial agreement was violated in any way, its validity could be up for debate. There might also be situations not addressed in your prenuptial agreement that are now present and must be addressed during divorce proceedings.
You Are Filing Against Your Spouse
If you are filing for divorce against your spouse, and they are not aware of your filing or do not wish to divorce, it is important to retain counsel. Fling a divorce complaint in Columbia requires information about your suggested alimony payments, reason for divorce, and desired custody arrangement. In some cases, being the initial filer can help you in the long run during divorce proceedings, especially if your spouse is resisting the process in any way.
Get Help with Your Divorce in Columbia, MD
To get help with your case from our divorce lawyers, call Rice, Murtha & Psoras now at (410) 694-7291.